Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Under the weather

Kato had chemo on Sunday and is not feeling his best. He had Vinblastine instead of Vincristine in the hopes that the side effects would not be as severe. He's not vomiting, but is not feeling well. He's just kind of blah, but his allergies are the worst I've seen them in along time, so that's probably a contributing factor too.
I'm hoping for a better day tomorrow.

We're in the home stretch with only five more treatments to go and a long remission to follow!


W said...

Sounds like a Skippy day to me. ;)

Dee and Kato said...

Now that sounds like a plan! :)

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear that Kato isn't feeling well. My heart is with both of you and hope that he starts feeling super duper good very soon! Give him a big fat hug and kiss for me. Hang in there Dee and Kate, all my love and support is being sent your way!


Anonymous said...

*sending lots of good thoughts* to you and Kato. Hoping he is just gathering energy for healing.


Anonymous said...

Hang in there sweet boy!! You are almost done!!

Dee and Kato said...

Awww, thanks, Deb. He had a rough time this week, but is a little better tonight!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear Kato is feeling a bit better. :)

Dee and Kato said...

Thanks, T-3!

Anonymous said...

*sending good thoughts* that you and Kato are having a good week. :)