Monday, September 24, 2007

It's Official!

Kato is in remission!!!

He just got home from his chemo appt. and the Oncologist confirmed it! His bloodwork was perfect, he gained 1/2 pound and looks great! He'll continue with his chemo schedule as planned for the next 20 weeks.

I could not be happier!!!


Anonymous said...

Yay Dee and Kato! Congrats!

Dee and Kato said...

Thanks so much, anon! :)

W said...

Congrats to you both! I can only imagine how relieved you must be!

Dee and Kato said...

I'm absolutely thrilled and very relieved, Tara!

Thanks for checking in on us! :)

Dee & Kate

Anonymous said...

How fabulous is that?! You knew it in your heart already but the confirmation must make you just elated! What a GREAT DAY!


Dee and Kato said...

Exactly, Shelly! Feeling it is one thing, but having it confirmed by the Oncologist is awesome! :)

Dee & Kate

Anonymous said...

GREAT news! I am so relieved. I will be thinking of you both as the chemo continues and both the FE and I will be sending lots of good thoughts. Also, Kato Boogie had chemo today, right? I hope his tummy is doing okay.


Anonymous said...

I am so happy I have no words to describe it!
I am continuing to keep you both in my most positive prayers Dee.
Many many hugs to Kato(and you too)

Dee and Kato said...

Thanks, T3 & FE! :)

Kato did have chemo yesterday and, so far, so good! He's looking and feeling really well!


Dee and Kato said...

Thanks so much Sharon! Your good thoughts, prayers, and hugs are deeply appreciated!


Unknown said...

I keep smiling whenever I see Kato's photo on my refrig.!

Kisses to that wonderful boy!

Dee and Kato said...

Thanks, Joyce!

You need a new fridge pic! I'll have to get to work on that, lol.

Dee & Kate

Anonymous said...

YAY 4 KATO!!!!

Anonymous said...

Has his Monday chemo continued to treat him well? Loads of kisses and hugs are continuing to be sent!


Dee and Kato said...

Thanks, e!!! :)

Dee and Kato said...

Hi Shelly,

He is doing very well, thanks! I'm just about to post an update. :)