Monday, October 29, 2007

Halloween silliness

Kate won't be dressing up this year, so I'm posting his Halloween protest pic from a couple of years ago. He hated this hat! Can you blame him? lol


Unknown said...

What must he be saying????


Dee and Kato said...

I can just imagine.
What would you say if you had that hat on? LMBO

Anonymous said...

Happy HAlloweeen my sweet boy! I hope you are feeling better today!! Love you!

Dee and Kato said...

Happy Halloween, Cheeky!

He's better today, thanks!:)

Anonymous said...

Awww, Kato!!! I concur!

*sending good thoughts* that tomorrow Kato will be feeling great and have a wonderful day. You too, Dee. :)

Happy Hallowe'en. :o

Dee and Kato said...

Thanks, T!

He's having a bit of a tough night, but hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Happy Halloween to you & the FE!

Unknown said...

How is Kato today?

Hugs and kisses to you both!

Dee and Kato said...

Hi Joyce!

Kato is almost back to his old self! His stomach is still off, so I may have to get a different medication for him. He looks and feels great!
He has no chemo this week which I'm happy about. :)

Thanks for stopping by!

Hugs & kisses back at you. :)

Anonymous said...

I am happy to hear that he is feeling better and am really glad he has the next week without chemo! I am sure you both need the recovery time. I am always, always sending lots of positive thoughts, healing vibes, and tons of love to both of you!


Dee and Kato said...

Thanks, Shelly!

Much love to you!